12-31-2010, 01:47 PM
click here for video, bozo's latest target. he thinks the prosecutor's office made it! 

What will jurors in Casey Anthony's trial get to hear about, and what won't they?
Late Thursday afternoon, defense attorneys filed 13 new court motions targeting items they do not want introduced at Anthony's trial.WHAT THEY WANT TO SUPPRESS IS ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE. HAHAHAHAHA
The requests were mostly pieces of evidence that could be seen as damaging to the defense, but lawyers have argued that it's all evidence that is not relevant to the case of Casey's murdered 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
The evidence in question includes some procedural items, and then one that's a little strange.
Included in the thousands of pieces of evidence prosecutors have released in the case was a video created on the website JibJab that Casey's defense wants to make sure jurors never see.
It's a Halloween video featuring the faces of Casey Anthony, Jose Baez and the rest of her defense team pasted on cartoon monsters dancing to the Monster Mash

What will jurors in Casey Anthony's trial get to hear about, and what won't they?
Late Thursday afternoon, defense attorneys filed 13 new court motions targeting items they do not want introduced at Anthony's trial.WHAT THEY WANT TO SUPPRESS IS ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE. HAHAHAHAHA
The requests were mostly pieces of evidence that could be seen as damaging to the defense, but lawyers have argued that it's all evidence that is not relevant to the case of Casey's murdered 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
The evidence in question includes some procedural items, and then one that's a little strange.
Included in the thousands of pieces of evidence prosecutors have released in the case was a video created on the website JibJab that Casey's defense wants to make sure jurors never see.
It's a Halloween video featuring the faces of Casey Anthony, Jose Baez and the rest of her defense team pasted on cartoon monsters dancing to the Monster Mash