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Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ
(01-08-2011, 06:27 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(01-08-2011, 04:33 PM)Elvira Wrote: Surprised this has not happened sooner. The political rhetoric in this state is at a boiling point with our idiot Governor, who signed into law that any idiot in AZ can carry a gun, concealed too. She's trying to knock down the Federal 3 day waiting period. Another Jan Brewer death squad. Too bad it was not our Governor shot in the head, the best thing that could happen to Arizona.

This country needs to get serious in placing greater restrictions on accessibility to handguns, rifles, shotguns and assault weapons. Don't feed me your 2nd Amendment rights.

I grieve with the family's of all shot.

Those damn guns, they just keep on jumping out and killing people. wait a miniute guns are inanimate objects, how the fuck did this gun kill someone?

was it because an honest law abiding citizen had it?

the motherfucker who shot these people didn't give a rats ass if the gun was legal to own or not, you can ban guns completely and still have people shot, just ask new york or chicago how well their gun bans have worked?

honest law abiding citizens don't have guns, violent fucking criminals do, thats how it's worked.

If only criminals and cops had guns, assassinations like this would not occur. I lived in Chicago, I saw the crime daily, I was a victim of a violent crime, I have the bullet holes in my torso to prove it.

If this country and politicians had any balls and represented "We the People" not corporations, special interests and lobbyist, shit like this might not happen. Bring back the Brady bill!

I'm all for tougher laws on the books for idiots caught with guns if they are unlicensed. 3 years minimum - no bargaining - no leniency.

Gun used in a crime, no shots fired, minimum 7 years. No bargaining - no leniency.

Gun used in a crime, shot fired, nobody injured, 12 years minimum. No bargaining - no leniency.

Gun used in a crime, shots fired, with injuries 25 years minimum. No bargaining - no leniency.

Gun used in a crime, shots fired, death, Capital punishment. No bargaining - no leniency.

Make guns (weapons) harder to obtain. The 5 Chicago cops killed last year in the line of duty might still be alive. Guns harder to obtain we might not of had a Columbine, Virgina Tech, Northern Illinois University, Holocaust Museum. he harder to obtain the harder for idiots like this schmuck Jared to obtain.

Arizona's Death Squad Governor with the stroke of a pen in September has allowed anyone to own a gun. No more classes. no more background checks, no more classes for concealed weapons, you can now carry a weapon (concealed or nor) anywhere in Arizona. How insecure are you?

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RE: Representative, others, shot in AZ - by Elvira - 01-08-2011, 10:39 PM
RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - by Maggot - 01-09-2011, 12:06 PM
RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - by Maggot - 01-11-2011, 08:36 PM
RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - by Maggot - 01-12-2011, 08:51 PM