01-09-2011, 12:06 PM
A nut shot up a bunch of political pundits and now both sides are pointing fingers, blaming everyone that has an opinion, and grasping at straws to make their side look better or "more sane" when in all reality both sides have fringe lunatics ready to commit the most atrocious acts of mayhem at any opportunity.
Things like this will never stop, it has been going on since the beginning of history. Another anarchist has done the deed and made a name for themselves. Why don't these idiots just climb up on a tall building make a big scene that they will jump, get noticed by the media, then fucking jump? Because they are cowards.
Things like this will never stop, it has been going on since the beginning of history. Another anarchist has done the deed and made a name for themselves. Why don't these idiots just climb up on a tall building make a big scene that they will jump, get noticed by the media, then fucking jump? Because they are cowards.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.