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New GOP Recruiting Tactic for Young Voters
And this bitch got to plead to lesser charges! Jesus, Mary and Joseph Smith!

Report: Susan Brock, husband met with parents of abuse victim, LDS official a year before arrest

PHOENIX - Chandler Police released an eye-opening report where we are getting a look at how Susan Brock allegedly trapped and groomed her victim and raises questions as to whether her husband was aware of what was going on.

In the 70-page document the victim tells police he was 14, a freshman in high school, when Brock started driving him to remote locations where she would masturbate him until he ejaculated.

In a text uncovered by detectives, the victim described the relations with Susan Brock as his darkest secret, and that he could not see (deleted) unless "I played by her rules and I was afraid..."

As his father wept, the victim told police Susan would drive him to a spot near the Chandler Airport. "She crawled over the front seat to the back seat where "she pulled my shirt up and took off my pants and started touching me," the teen said.

He said Brock gave him a "hand job" and "asked me to kiss her and she would ask why don't you look at me? Would you ever kiss me?"

He told detectives he didn't not want to look at her because he "didn't like the idea of what was going on."

He said on later encounters, when he was not aroused, "She's bringing in vibrators and stuff like that."

The police report says at least three vibrators were used.

The victim drew for detectives what one of the vibrators looked like and police were able to seize the massager in their search of the Brock home.

The report details sexual encounters in Brock's Lexus, the Brock home, a rental home and Susan Brock's mother's house.

Brock would instruct the victim what to tell his parents so they and her husband, Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock, would not clue in to their meetings.

The victim says he was being paid $25 to help file paperwork at the Brock home when Susan came in and offered to pay him extra if she could touch him. He agreed and sat down at the computer. The victim says Brock gave him $100.

He said Brock would often give him $100 after their sexual encounters.

As detectives questioned the victim he said at one point he was unable to see his girlfriend and asked Susan Brock to help. She agreed saying, "only if you let me do what I usually do."

He told detectives the last encounter happened the first week of October 2010.

The victim detailed how Brock drove him to a secluded spot "by the airport", where she removed her clothing including her "temple garments" until she was naked.

Brock was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She had shaven her pubic area and asked if she could "use a pink 'dildo' while she performed oral sex on him." When he thought she sensed him wanting to leave, he said she pushed him back down.

Susan then gave the victim $100 and agreed to help him see his girlfriend.

The victim said she would arrange encounters, allowing the two to have sex in her home and even provided a "stuff" kit that had condoms inside.

A year earlier, the Brocks were called into a meeting with LDS president Mitch Jones and the victim's parents. The victim's parents had discovered an iPod that Susan gave to their son and they discussed their frustration with Susan's interference in their son's life. They angrily gave back the iPod and according to the meeting notes, Fulton Brock took possession of it.

When the couple confronted Susan about whether she was having sexual relations with their son, she denied it.

Police say during the search of the Brock home, Fulton Brock confirmed to detectives that the meeting took place and at one point surrendered his wife's iPhone he had locked in a box along with numerous credit cards he (Fulton) had confiscated from his wife.

We are still pouring through the police report and will continue to update this report throughout the day


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RE: New GOP Recruiting Tactic for Young Voters - by BlueTiki - 01-26-2011, 06:20 PM