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Immigration & Georgia
Duchess,...the shitty part about this is that they could be LEGAL.They would have to go thru the legal channells to become citizens the way hundreds of thousands have done before them but they(Illegal Immigrants) choose not to do so and we empower them to do so by also giving them the opp to do so by our lax laws and worthless politicians and Presidents who kick the can down the street for someone else to deal with.
If we could go after Immigration reform which would seal our borders,agressively find and return Illegals AND THEIR FAMILIES who do not choose to do the paperwork and the waiting period and get in BEHIND the line of all others doing it legally,WITHOUT with any sort of leniancy or amnesty,put a fast track fix on the laws that draw this out so long and do very good backround checks,fine the shit out of companies who hire illegals and put strong measures in place to keep a check on it,and have a nationwide Org or database of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who can help place and connect workers with needy employers.
I see so much of this shit where a Illegal is bought to a employer by another Illegal already employed by that employer and they make another deal.I was even in a resturant eating dinner when I saw it happen and heard the exchange.The one Illegal could'nt even speak a word of English,the hired one had to speak in his broken English for him.The Employer/Owner hired him on the spot and told him to come in the next day.
When we finished eating and the Family left as I paid the check,I told him personally we would never be back and I was going to report him.He could have cared that moment.He may be having second thoughts now,wondering who is taking notice.
This problem can be fixed.It just takes much work and everybody caring to fix it.The needs of the employers or the rich should not be more important than the needs of the overall population.
The average person pays dearly for this major problem and at a point where we can barely keep our heads above water with the expenses of raising kids and simply living.We cannot sustain any longer the burden of those who do not wish to pay their share of living here.

Messages In This Thread
Immigration & Georgia - by Misguided - 02-14-2011, 08:07 AM
RE: Immigration & Georgia - by Duchess - 02-14-2011, 08:10 AM
RE: Immigration & Georgia - by Misguided - 02-14-2011, 08:51 AM
RE: Immigration & Georgia - by Cracker - 02-15-2011, 02:49 AM
RE: Immigration & Georgia - by BlueTiki - 02-15-2011, 12:54 PM