02-15-2011, 07:29 PM
Can't say that I had the patience to read through all of this whinefest. I am, of the opinion that the term racist, and bigot for that matter..are generally overused.
I've been called a racist in another forum, as I stated that all immigrants to America should have a working knowledge of the English language, or at the very least ATTEMPT to gain the knowledge.
I've been called a bigot, because I'm against homosexuals getting legally married. I don't hate the gay folk,,,.hell, I don't even dislike them..I just personally believe that "marriage" should be a man/woman thing.
I swear, the political correctness this country has developed over the last 2 decades will be our downfall.
I've been called a racist in another forum, as I stated that all immigrants to America should have a working knowledge of the English language, or at the very least ATTEMPT to gain the knowledge.
I've been called a bigot, because I'm against homosexuals getting legally married. I don't hate the gay folk,,,.hell, I don't even dislike them..I just personally believe that "marriage" should be a man/woman thing.
I swear, the political correctness this country has developed over the last 2 decades will be our downfall.
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.