02-16-2011, 09:28 PM
(02-16-2011, 09:24 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote:(02-16-2011, 09:09 PM)tiffwill123 Wrote:(02-16-2011, 08:59 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote:(02-16-2011, 08:50 PM)tiffwill123 Wrote:(02-16-2011, 08:43 PM)jash Wrote: This just keeps getting more interesting...
TiffW....have the police told you not to talk to anyone, not to leave town? anything like that?
the only people they said not to talk to is johnnys family.and thats because of the threats.no they did not tell me i could nt leave town.
Hello TiffWill123,
I have a question. When John P Clarke broke in to the house were you able to go in witness the interior? If so what did you see?
i left while the police were ther this was the first time his dad was there.the police said to go they didnt see nothing wrong.i guess johnnys dad went back and kicked the door in.i was not there
Hi TiffWill, Bless you Sweetheart and the boys and your baby in vetro.
Sending HUGS. and YOU ARE SO BRAVE. I am so glad you were not
there when the dad kicked the door in. And I hope someone was with
you when you found out. Thanks for TRYING to see what was wrong
at the Streub house. You did all you could and for that I am sure the
families will be eternally grateful. Be safe and keep your chin up.
thank you and god bless but no johnnys family wasnt thankful they blamed me.and youre also welcome for coming and answering your questions.also.i got to go for a moment but i will return to answer some more for all of you.god bless you all