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OUTRAGEOUS! westboro wingnuts will picket funerals of victims
LC,..that lawsuit shit has already been tried and failed.
A Father of a Marine who's son was a KIA had these lowlifes protest at his funeral.The Father bought a suit and it was thrown out.Cant recall what State it was in.
The lawsuit did serve one purpose tho as it drained their funds.They were very worried that the lawsuit,if upheld and they had to pay,would wipe them out.
Too bad it was thrown out.
Problem with what happens when they do their protests is they have kids and women with them.
A asskicking for the men is not out of the question to many of those who have met these assholes but anybody with any respect cannot scare or frighten the women and kids or put them in harms way.They know this and use it to their advantage.
Code Pink does the same shit.

Messages In This Thread
RE: OUTRAGEOUS! westboro wingnuts will picket funerals of victims - by Misguided - 02-20-2011, 07:25 PM