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Pricella Ristick,12, missing in GA.
He's a real winner isn't he? I just wonder if she left with this person to get away from him... She just acted so strange. It was almost as if she was wondering who I was. Like she needed or wanted something from me. Almost as if she was wondering if I was who she was waiting for? I wonder if she really did meet a Nancy that was hopefully going to help her get out of a bad situation... Though I think it is just a likely that she was sold as a child slave. at one point we heard around here that that part of the county was a huge "hub" for child sex trade... That was months ago. I think that the only thing that would shock me would be if she is found and no harm had been done to her. Im just going to keep praying and calling the police until i get someone! I am sure as hell not going to carry any harm done to her on my conscience!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pricella Ristick,12, missing in GA. - by tiredmomof4 - 02-23-2011, 09:55 PM