09-09-2008, 01:33 PM
The Antagonist Wrote:Yeah, especially those whose breath you can feel blowing your hair or on your neck.
I've had a few even closer where I can feel their goddamn dicks pressed up against me. That did NOT fare well for them! Atlantic City is a great place where that happens way too much.
Oh that makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.
It is really bad for me when they are too close to me on my right. That's the side I'm blind on, so I have a good excuse for ramming someone with my elbow when they are too close on my right. "Oh gee, I didn't see you" and I really didn't!!!
Yeah, standing in lines is bad; I try to keep my right side to a wall or wherever there is less traffic. I don't like people being behind me at all. At restaurants, I have to sit with my back to a wall.