03-02-2011, 05:14 PM
(03-02-2011, 04:36 PM)IMaDick Wrote:(03-02-2011, 04:26 PM)shitstorm Wrote: Lady Cop, don't you have contacts, or contacts with contacts, that can unearth SOMETHING for us, lol!!! Maybe find out why in the hell they aren't saying anything.
The reasoning behind the silence is simple, they don't want anyone to flee, they don't want anyone to spoil the info by it being posted everywhere on the internet and locally (they will need a non contaminated jury pool)and they don't want to say anything stupid that will come back to bite them in the ass. it's also possible that the people have already flee'd and they are working toward getting them back within jurisdictional bounds.
you know the old saying the more you talk the less people have to guess if you're a fool or not.
believe me they have information, they have people of interest, they have evidence, and they have the right idea of keeping quiet about it.
I have to agree with Dick for two reasons. He was so polite to me in the initiation and torture room and secondly because the family tells me that this is indeed the situation as of now. They assure the family that they are on the "trail". Can u imagine all the hoodrats they have had to interview? All of Maytee and John Sr.'s aquaintences. Lisa's aquaintences. Well u all know the humongous set of characters. We have all been on Facebook. Actually Facebook has been helpful in gleaning info regarding friends and activities. Have u noticed that Maytee's rantings have changed tone? IMO They have gone from "I want to know who did this to my baby" to the exact demonic potion she has whipped up for them.