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Hey Republicans! Newt for President?
In retrospect I think that Iran and Iraq should have been left alone to kill each other off. But if the future was as clear as glass we would probably all be slicing our own throats. Had Saddam not gone into Kuwait the war would not have been fought.
The quality of life in Iraq was not bad before we went in and after reading an article in the national geographic written before the war it shows that at least he was not a religious whack job and was just a power hungry tyrant.
There are many people right now in the middle east with their fingers hovering and twitching above "the button" that is the big fear today. When one goes off they will all go off. Weather reports may have new meaning in the future.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey Republicans! Newt for President? - by Maggot - 03-05-2011, 11:59 AM