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Hey Republicans! Newt for President?
(03-05-2011, 03:07 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
(03-05-2011, 02:43 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Iraq is 5th on the list of importers of oil to the US.

Did the GOP lie to Blair also?

The GOP lied and Saddam told the truth.

Jesus Christ.

Did your mother drop you on your fucking head when you were a baby?

Iraq is in an ideal area in the middle east for access to other countries such as Afghanistan, of course we are in Afghanistan to fight Al Quedda right? hmmmmmmm.....couldn't be Afghanistans location and the building of a new pipeline into the oil rich area of the Caspian sea could it? Hmmmmmm......

Did the GOP lie to Tony Blair about the WMD's in Iraq?, yep they sure did and our boy Tony bought it hook, line and sinker. So much so that he and his cronies "sexed up" an intelligence document to further support invading Iraq.

The GOP lied and Saddam was telling the truth? yep that about sums it up, the GOP said he had WMD's and Saddam said he didn't.

NOT ONE WMD has been found in Iraq, now you tell me meathead, who was telling the truth about WMD's?

Jesus Christ.

MASS GRAVES. He was murdering his own people. Saddam was a weapon of mass destruction. You apologists piss me tf off.

And FYI, we found hundreds of chemical weapons (Sarin and mustard gas) that were supposed to have been destroyed after the last war but were stockpiled instead. Chemical munitions are the WMD of stupid people who don't want to invest in a nuclear program.

Did we find a dirty bomb? No. Should we just call off the war and leave the people to fend for themselves? You decide if it is worth bothering or not. If you can live with ethnic cleansing, that shouldn't be a problem.

I don't argue war politics with people sitting on their own couch. Much easier to have an opinion if you don't have your ante in...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hey Republicans! Newt for President? - by Cracker - 03-05-2011, 04:30 PM