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A thread critical of LE (cops & prosecutors)
as a counter to my anger toward le not having proper firearm training: I also know that LE deal with professional bullshitters for a living. everything from a perp's mouth is a hustle and all they do is try to out talk you. everything is typically a lie that they say. The perps often need to be told to "shut the fuck up, stop talking, and stop trying to out talk me" So cops having an attitude is something that is just going to be there. we ask them to deal with the lowest rung on the social ladder all day, so those same citizens will leave us alone. If all I did was deal with scum that were constantly fucking around I would automatically have an attitude everytime I had to deal with a new person. But, it has always been my experience with most cops, that you get what you give. The cop may start out with an attitude assuming that I am going to be just another asshole, but after 30 seconds of interaction everything gets diffused. They realize I'm just a normal person (just like them) I'm not trying to hustle and lie with every breath, and in turn they treat me just as decent. NOTICE I SAID MOST COPS: you still get guys who have a small dick issue, but in reality you get that everywhere, not just cops.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A thread critical of LE (cops & prosecutors) - by notsure - 03-06-2011, 12:55 AM