03-11-2011, 01:01 AM
(03-10-2011, 10:25 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I found this about MM & BC. I'm posting it because I know there was discussion about how US Marshalls picked them up etc. NOTE: They have not been named as persons of interest in this case by LE but they've been mentioned here.
look i am going to keep real cause i am tired of all the bullshit then i am done with it .i did not snitch on MM or BC and you can look that shit up its a public record lucascourtdockets.com
2 hours ago ยท View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)
But i will tell all of you that tomorrow i will probably be going down to press charges on MM ass for talking bout he going to kill me or use my kids to get to me so if that makes me a snitch then so be it .i am, tired of the bullshit all you have to do is file for a motion of discovery buts i guess you dont need that cause you think you know.
2 hours ago.
and just so if their aint anybody that don't know exactly what happen ,here it is my baby mama /ex wife was fucking BC he got into some shit and decided he had to bounce well as we all know the us marshalls was looking for him ,so on th...at note my ex decided to tell me she was moving to florida with my kids and instead didn't tell when she was leaving and moved with my kids to be on the run with BC so i tracked my kids down (did i find them YES)did i snitch on them NO it wasn't even 24 hours after she got their with him they got caught .but because i told BC i knew where they were and if my kids didnt call me i was coming to get them. itried to press kidnapping charges on my ex but they told me their was nothing they could do cause we were still married and she was the mother.but i didn't tell her or BC that ,and for some reason they want to think that us marshalls wouldnt follow her or track his phone .so if knowing where they where they were and not saying nothing makes me a snitch then so be it .BUT NOW I DID ALSO TELL BC NOTHING WOULD STAND IN THE WAY OF MY KIDS NOT EVEN HIM
2 hours ago.
and on MMs note telling people i snitched explain to me how a mf thats a flight risk and out on bond with multiple failure to appears (look at his record lucascountycourtdockets.com) gets out on bond
2 hours ago.
INTERESTING!! I really think there is MUCH more to the MM and BC arrests. I think they either know something and are being pressured, or they are involved.
(info from MM's facebook page about recent arrest)
m got locked back up yesterday when he went to check in
What did they say?
he aint got a bond...he goes to court on the 16th...i called his lawyer tonight and asked him to go talk to him tomorrow...since he didnt show up today...cuz all m wants is to get a bond set so he can get out...this shit sucks tho for real...he didnt do nothin wrong this time and he still got locked up...
I mean why are they saying he had a failure to show when he did show to get the sheriff release?
his lawyer said he had a court date a month and a half ago he didnt show up to...so i guess that is what its from
it's retarded.. when they first brought him to court they didn't see the other warrant? wtf. They are retarded.
girl the warrant didnt show up in the computer til monday! that shit is crazy right?!
(towards MM's girlfriend)
"bitch please u could never look better then me . and yes hunny ur lil bitch of a man is a snitch dnt nobody get a fukin or bond especially wen the marshalls had to get him from another state u stupid ass bitch .. u or ur hoe ass man aint rough bitch so u kan kill that ugly slut!!!!"
"bitch oh yes the fucc i would that lil bitch ass nigga aint nobody out here thats for mutha fuccin sure and u not neither bitch !!!! its ones them papers come out eveybody will kno that fukin hoe ass nigga is a SNITCH AS BITCH !!!!!! AND EVEYBODY KNOS WAT HAPPENS WEN U SNITCH LMMFAO TRICK."