03-12-2011, 05:54 PM
More Facebook dialog between Maytee and AG:
APD: I don't get how people can be so disrespectful, I hope that these cowards are caught soon and the families can rejoice and be at peace knowing they will soon have to face not only god but johnny and lisa too! Praying for the death penalty. ♥
Yesterday at 2:44am
Arlena Williams likes this.
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you and justice does prevail and death penalty will be enforced
Yesterday at 2:48am
APD: I pray for it every night mama even though I barely knew them it took a toll on me and it isn't fair. Im sorry you have to go through this, excuse my language but FUCK everyone who is coming at you crazy and I hope they burn right next to the cowards that took them.
Yesterday at 2:50am
AG: aint no1 disrespectful to that woman u have to give respect to recieve it...i absolutely feel where all of u people r coming from for feeling sorry for what she is going thru but this lady is so disrespectful and is takin advantage of all of u naive simple minded peoples sympathy for her
Yesterday at 2:58am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Stay off this page you evil demon aaron griffin you are not welcomed here at all quit harrassing me and tormenting me i have all your inbox emails threats forwarded to law enforcement stop coming on my son n lisas page have some respect. We all know you hated them and was telling everyone you were going to rob lisas house
Yesterday at 3:02am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you arianna and ignore him he will be banned n blocked tomorrow hes not welcomed here
Yesterday at 3:03am
I could NEVER be simple minded orr nieve. And yes you are EXTREMELY disrespectful. If your so innocent leave that to the law to determine. Leave her and her family alone haven't you done enough damage?! as a soon to be father take into acco...unt what it would be like to find your child dead like she did, and think about the shit your saying. Enough is enough fucking drop it and take care of your pregnant girl and let the story unfold, if your innocent then we will all see. Until then, who do you think your convincing? Not me, not her, not anybody.See More
Yesterday at 3:04am
AG: r u fuckin seruois? u stupid bitch u have me blocked i can't send u emails u fuckin retard. and i am goin to respect ur wishes and stay off this page because i have gotten everythang off my chest that has been botherin me since this all started
Yesterday at 3:04am
AG im not tryin to convince u of nothin u dumb azz bitch.. i have nothin to prove toi anyone..god is my maker u fuckin stupid bitch....and im tired of hearin this lady talk about me for something i didnt do but i am goin to stay off this page..but dont speak on shit that u know nothin about n miss me wit that father to be shit....worry about ur good ol suburb life.. u knoqw nothing about me and u have poor grammar ..u are very naive
Yesterday at 3:07am
TA: Aaron,why are you so disrespectful? If you're not guilty, I would think you would let things be....what is the purpose of coming to this page? Unless you're having some guilty feelings!! Otherwise respect Maytees wishes and leave her alone!! God help this situation!!!
Yesterday at 3:11am
I have poor grammar? Boy, did you even graduate? And hold up, let me quote you "dumb azz bitch", so you can miss me with your insults, and god will see to it that you burn in hell alongside every piece of shit that had something to do with... this. And if im correct you are a father to be? Are you ashamed, or unsure? Just curious. And suburb? Clearly you do not know me, nor do I feel it necessary to tell you about me, because you aren't worth that kind of time. Call me what you want but I've never been to jail, or killed anyone, which makes me clear in gods eyes, call me what you want but nothing you say phases me. See More
Yesterday at 3:11am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Your disrespectfull and foul quit writing on my son n lisas memory pages aaron this isnt about you and the courts will prove whos guilty or not and stop calling descent people that truly care for our kids and family names god hates ugly remember that
Yesterday at 3:13am
APD: Amen maytee, god is on your side!
Yesterday at 3:14am
TA: God is all of our makers but with a mouth like yours Aaron you sure won't be seeing our maker!!
Yesterday at 3:14am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you terry and arianna and god bless you both im sorry hes so disrespectfull and just wont leave us alone
Yesterday at 3:15am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Amen terry and arianna
Yesterday at 3:16am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Justice will prevail for my johnny and lisa
Yesterday at 3:17am
APD: Going to bed now, praying hard and long that they are haunted not only tonight but forever because of what they did, and for peace for your and lisas families. Goodnight.
Yesterday at 3:20am
clear in gods eyes...and yes u do have poor grammar and u r very naive because it doesnt matter that ive been to jail in god's eyes as long as i REPENT for the things that ive dont... u do know what that means right? and no i didnt graduate... i got my ged when i was 16 and am currently in my second semester of college so chill wit that weak insults u dumb ass bitch......and i dont care where ur from....ur obviously a nobody because ive never heard of u and could care less and i am a father to be and am far from being ashamed....and u people sure do talk cash shit on the computer....See More
Yesterday at 3:20am
AG: i am not tryin to be disrespectfyul terry but i jus feel i need to defend myself and tiffany for these ridiculous allegations but i am most certainly going to stay off of this page on the strength of u terry because u were very respectful in telling me to do so... i respect that and will respect her wishes
Yesterday at 3:22am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Arianna he hasnt heard of you mamas because you are class and not trash like his type so yes you are way up there with us and god and he is way down below with devil and demons sewer so aaron stay of this page cus as of tomorrow you are permanetly banned
Yesterday at 3:24am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Goodnight arianna and god bless you
Yesterday at 3:24am
APD: Cool aaron, well I have my diploma and my cosmetology lisence, my child is taken care of, I have a ring on my finger. You haven't heard about me because im not a trashy hood rat like the people you associate with. And yes I am a bitch, but im not a murderer. But im not going to argue with someone with the mentality of a 12 year old. I hope your innocent, but I know better. Goodnight aaron! (:
Yesterday at 3:24am
AG: and terry my mouth doesnt matter in god's eyes...im not goin to bite my tongue for a lady that is as disrespectful as this woman but i appreciate how respectful u jus were to me so i am goin to dislike this page and u have my word i will never come on this website and say anything again
Yesterday at 3:24am · 1 personLoading...
AG i am far from a murderer and i wanna cut into u but i jus gave terry my word and i wont blow that up for nobody especially somebody that feels they have to flaunt what they have? good for u arriana
Yesterday at 3:26am
APD: I have more than you could hope for, and I will always be a better human being than you, that's something to flaunt correct
Yesterday at 3:28am
APD: And its arianna, good job on your reading and spelling!
Yesterday at 3:29am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Yes arianna you will always be a way better person because you dont rob people with guns to their heads you dont murder innocent people to steal from them and you love god thank you arianna for being a beautiful soul and you too terry love you both god bless
Yesterday at 3:34am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Dont let him know what you have mamas hes well known for home invasions and robbing people
16 hours ago
APD: Theres no way he can find out where I live. Plus he's got my parents, my dogs, my brother, and my husband who is a soldier to go through. Good fuckin luck, I say.
15 hours ago
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Amen and we are like fort knox over here too
15 hours ago
APD: its sad that because of trash like them good people like you and I have to take those precautions.
15 hours ago
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thats what this world has come to ;,,,((( poor johnny n lisa had to go through such pain and suffering from people they thought were their so called friends but trust me i promise noone i mean noone gets away with what they did to our precious beautiful johnny n lisa trust me they all die n rot in hell
15 hours ago
APD: Its sad, and just fucked up. I was in school with johnny for awhile, he graduated a year before me I think. And I was with him and lisa, mike, jazz, and matt 2 4th of julys ago. Definitely wont forget that night.
APD: I don't get how people can be so disrespectful, I hope that these cowards are caught soon and the families can rejoice and be at peace knowing they will soon have to face not only god but johnny and lisa too! Praying for the death penalty. ♥
Yesterday at 2:44am
Arlena Williams likes this.
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you and justice does prevail and death penalty will be enforced
Yesterday at 2:48am
APD: I pray for it every night mama even though I barely knew them it took a toll on me and it isn't fair. Im sorry you have to go through this, excuse my language but FUCK everyone who is coming at you crazy and I hope they burn right next to the cowards that took them.
Yesterday at 2:50am
AG: aint no1 disrespectful to that woman u have to give respect to recieve it...i absolutely feel where all of u people r coming from for feeling sorry for what she is going thru but this lady is so disrespectful and is takin advantage of all of u naive simple minded peoples sympathy for her
Yesterday at 2:58am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Stay off this page you evil demon aaron griffin you are not welcomed here at all quit harrassing me and tormenting me i have all your inbox emails threats forwarded to law enforcement stop coming on my son n lisas page have some respect. We all know you hated them and was telling everyone you were going to rob lisas house
Yesterday at 3:02am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you arianna and ignore him he will be banned n blocked tomorrow hes not welcomed here
Yesterday at 3:03am
I could NEVER be simple minded orr nieve. And yes you are EXTREMELY disrespectful. If your so innocent leave that to the law to determine. Leave her and her family alone haven't you done enough damage?! as a soon to be father take into acco...unt what it would be like to find your child dead like she did, and think about the shit your saying. Enough is enough fucking drop it and take care of your pregnant girl and let the story unfold, if your innocent then we will all see. Until then, who do you think your convincing? Not me, not her, not anybody.See More
Yesterday at 3:04am
AG: r u fuckin seruois? u stupid bitch u have me blocked i can't send u emails u fuckin retard. and i am goin to respect ur wishes and stay off this page because i have gotten everythang off my chest that has been botherin me since this all started
Yesterday at 3:04am
AG im not tryin to convince u of nothin u dumb azz bitch.. i have nothin to prove toi anyone..god is my maker u fuckin stupid bitch....and im tired of hearin this lady talk about me for something i didnt do but i am goin to stay off this page..but dont speak on shit that u know nothin about n miss me wit that father to be shit....worry about ur good ol suburb life.. u knoqw nothing about me and u have poor grammar ..u are very naive
Yesterday at 3:07am
TA: Aaron,why are you so disrespectful? If you're not guilty, I would think you would let things be....what is the purpose of coming to this page? Unless you're having some guilty feelings!! Otherwise respect Maytees wishes and leave her alone!! God help this situation!!!
Yesterday at 3:11am
I have poor grammar? Boy, did you even graduate? And hold up, let me quote you "dumb azz bitch", so you can miss me with your insults, and god will see to it that you burn in hell alongside every piece of shit that had something to do with... this. And if im correct you are a father to be? Are you ashamed, or unsure? Just curious. And suburb? Clearly you do not know me, nor do I feel it necessary to tell you about me, because you aren't worth that kind of time. Call me what you want but I've never been to jail, or killed anyone, which makes me clear in gods eyes, call me what you want but nothing you say phases me. See More
Yesterday at 3:11am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Your disrespectfull and foul quit writing on my son n lisas memory pages aaron this isnt about you and the courts will prove whos guilty or not and stop calling descent people that truly care for our kids and family names god hates ugly remember that
Yesterday at 3:13am
APD: Amen maytee, god is on your side!
Yesterday at 3:14am
TA: God is all of our makers but with a mouth like yours Aaron you sure won't be seeing our maker!!
Yesterday at 3:14am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thank you terry and arianna and god bless you both im sorry hes so disrespectfull and just wont leave us alone
Yesterday at 3:15am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Amen terry and arianna
Yesterday at 3:16am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Justice will prevail for my johnny and lisa
Yesterday at 3:17am
APD: Going to bed now, praying hard and long that they are haunted not only tonight but forever because of what they did, and for peace for your and lisas families. Goodnight.
Yesterday at 3:20am
clear in gods eyes...and yes u do have poor grammar and u r very naive because it doesnt matter that ive been to jail in god's eyes as long as i REPENT for the things that ive dont... u do know what that means right? and no i didnt graduate... i got my ged when i was 16 and am currently in my second semester of college so chill wit that weak insults u dumb ass bitch......and i dont care where ur from....ur obviously a nobody because ive never heard of u and could care less and i am a father to be and am far from being ashamed....and u people sure do talk cash shit on the computer....See More
Yesterday at 3:20am
AG: i am not tryin to be disrespectfyul terry but i jus feel i need to defend myself and tiffany for these ridiculous allegations but i am most certainly going to stay off of this page on the strength of u terry because u were very respectful in telling me to do so... i respect that and will respect her wishes
Yesterday at 3:22am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Arianna he hasnt heard of you mamas because you are class and not trash like his type so yes you are way up there with us and god and he is way down below with devil and demons sewer so aaron stay of this page cus as of tomorrow you are permanetly banned
Yesterday at 3:24am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Goodnight arianna and god bless you
Yesterday at 3:24am
APD: Cool aaron, well I have my diploma and my cosmetology lisence, my child is taken care of, I have a ring on my finger. You haven't heard about me because im not a trashy hood rat like the people you associate with. And yes I am a bitch, but im not a murderer. But im not going to argue with someone with the mentality of a 12 year old. I hope your innocent, but I know better. Goodnight aaron! (:
Yesterday at 3:24am
AG: and terry my mouth doesnt matter in god's eyes...im not goin to bite my tongue for a lady that is as disrespectful as this woman but i appreciate how respectful u jus were to me so i am goin to dislike this page and u have my word i will never come on this website and say anything again
Yesterday at 3:24am · 1 personLoading...
AG i am far from a murderer and i wanna cut into u but i jus gave terry my word and i wont blow that up for nobody especially somebody that feels they have to flaunt what they have? good for u arriana
Yesterday at 3:26am
APD: I have more than you could hope for, and I will always be a better human being than you, that's something to flaunt correct

Yesterday at 3:28am
APD: And its arianna, good job on your reading and spelling!
Yesterday at 3:29am
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Yes arianna you will always be a way better person because you dont rob people with guns to their heads you dont murder innocent people to steal from them and you love god thank you arianna for being a beautiful soul and you too terry love you both god bless
Yesterday at 3:34am · 1 personLoading...
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Dont let him know what you have mamas hes well known for home invasions and robbing people
16 hours ago
APD: Theres no way he can find out where I live. Plus he's got my parents, my dogs, my brother, and my husband who is a soldier to go through. Good fuckin luck, I say.
15 hours ago
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Amen and we are like fort knox over here too
15 hours ago
APD: its sad that because of trash like them good people like you and I have to take those precautions.
15 hours ago
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Thats what this world has come to ;,,,((( poor johnny n lisa had to go through such pain and suffering from people they thought were their so called friends but trust me i promise noone i mean noone gets away with what they did to our precious beautiful johnny n lisa trust me they all die n rot in hell
15 hours ago
APD: Its sad, and just fucked up. I was in school with johnny for awhile, he graduated a year before me I think. And I was with him and lisa, mike, jazz, and matt 2 4th of julys ago. Definitely wont forget that night.