03-27-2011, 07:54 PM
What if this was about respect as well as “snitching”? Sounds like Johnny had put AP or his crew in their places a few times (reporting the theft of his stuff, getting transferred to another prison, not bowing down about the car, plus other things we don't know about) and it can't have gone over well with AP. He could have been plotting to teach Johnny a lesson for some time.
When I read AP's exchanges with Maytee's friend on the Justice page, I noticed he mentioned respect a lot. It’s possible he sees himself as DC's natural successor to lead the crew and has already linked up with D's "widow", and might have thought he needed to show Johnny he'd been messing with or disrespecting the wrong guy. It would also be a warning to the rest of the crew to know their place.
The set up could have started when TW became 'friends' with Lisa; the Straubs going away would have presented an ideal opportunity to put a plan in action. By hanging out with Johnny & Lisa over the previous nights, TW would have been able to check out the house and the neighborhood, find out their plans and Lisa's work schedule, as well as who else they might be expecting to visit the house. I'm sure AP wasn't there, and TW wouldn't have been hanging out with them unless she had an ulterior motive. Both TW and AP have been accused of dealing, and the scales and vents point to drugs - maybe Johnny & Lisa thought they were buying and Tiff, AP & co were only there to steal their money. Based on his postings, AP is highly volatile and seems to change almost instantly from civility to rage; I think something happened while they were there that night that pushed his psycho button.
When I read AP's exchanges with Maytee's friend on the Justice page, I noticed he mentioned respect a lot. It’s possible he sees himself as DC's natural successor to lead the crew and has already linked up with D's "widow", and might have thought he needed to show Johnny he'd been messing with or disrespecting the wrong guy. It would also be a warning to the rest of the crew to know their place.
The set up could have started when TW became 'friends' with Lisa; the Straubs going away would have presented an ideal opportunity to put a plan in action. By hanging out with Johnny & Lisa over the previous nights, TW would have been able to check out the house and the neighborhood, find out their plans and Lisa's work schedule, as well as who else they might be expecting to visit the house. I'm sure AP wasn't there, and TW wouldn't have been hanging out with them unless she had an ulterior motive. Both TW and AP have been accused of dealing, and the scales and vents point to drugs - maybe Johnny & Lisa thought they were buying and Tiff, AP & co were only there to steal their money. Based on his postings, AP is highly volatile and seems to change almost instantly from civility to rage; I think something happened while they were there that night that pushed his psycho button.
"The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything." Oscar Wilde