03-28-2011, 06:30 PM
Lady Cop, I have travelled along this Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio and have actually stopped at that salvage yard hunting for a car part - my gosh! why would this bastard drive all that way from south of Columbus, Ohio to yonder? I hope he didn't run over this young mother! or the tires had concrete or something on them or mud - he definately wanted to unload those wheels and tires far away, imagine. If you look up the Summit Co., Ohio Auditor this Bastard may own 3 rental properties in Akron, Ohio I think its him, not 100% certain! Something was said about Faye Road and that possibly was this bastards last known address Faye Road - I've been close to that road also because I visit a Garden Center not far from there its off US 224. What is at Faye Road? Did they rent? Nothing comes up under that name. What if LE is on a wild chase down there in those southern counties and this bastard has thrown them off, and this poor woman is up towards Cleveland or Akron regions - just my opinion -I'm sure LE will nail them all. Thanks for latest news!