03-29-2011, 04:22 AM
(03-28-2011, 10:57 PM)username Wrote: What do you think should be the U.S. strategy in Libya?
To open 12 Mc Donald's, 6 Burger Kings and a handful of KFC's and Pizza Hut's across the country before Subway gets their hands on the prime properties.
To resettle all American product producing factories from China to Lybia, simply just to show those Chink's there are other people able to work longer hours for less wages on the planet. Not only will that put a big dent into their economy but also surely teach them a lesson.
Hollywood should focus on more such movies like "The Gladiator". It made big bucks, and with Lybia at hand now, can be surely produced even cheaper. The new TV trend in the States will include such titles as "Friends of the Desert", "Desert ER", "Desert Dexter", "Nip and Tuck a Bedouin" as well as "Two and a half Lybians".
All environmentally dangerous plants and factories will be set up in Lybia. It's big enough and not only who gives a shit about their environment but even more so, do they have any?!
That will also include all of Detroit. Not because it polutes it's neighbourhood, but because it's fucking ugly. Which brings to mind, let's move everything that's ugly in the States over to Lybia.
A move that could dramatically hurt the fast food industry as half the population would be missing, but let's face it, what's better than waking up in the morning surrounded by pretty people?!
Lybia, a new country with a new challenge or simply the most wonderful dumping ground of the USA?