04-06-2011, 09:35 AM
(04-06-2011, 09:26 AM)kitty1 Wrote: I was just rethinking my above post. I guess it is possible that Maytee HAS shared the truth with LE. She could have said to LE "My son and/or Lisa might possibly have been involved with prescription drugs..but I just don't want the public to know about it" I will give her that benefit of doubt. But if she truly believes what she commented to the Blade then she needs to face reality. IMO
and she contradicts herself, in one sentence she says that he has a prescription for an injury and in the next sentence says that he doesn't use prescription drugs. Not calling her a liar just not sure where to read between the line on this one. I like that she's not denying the part about the marijuana use though, not that i want anything to be a black cloud over this. I just think it's nice to see her being atleast upfront about some stuff.