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more tales from the trailer park...or...damn it woman, my eggs was cold!
Just so y'all know...all the mobile homes pictured on these pages are standard run down places all around our counties in FL and quite the norm. I shit you not! They charge $400 to $500 a month not including utilities around here for your standard 2br/2ba metal sided, mold stained, sticky carpet, and you gotta clean it if you wanna rent it! But they don't allow pets! Really, ya think in a shit hole like these/those it really matters where the stink comes from or whether an animal or human left the stain on the carpet? Ewwww, I just made myself sick. It's just inhumane the prices they charge nowadays for shithole homes being rented out around here. I don't know how it is everywhere else. Used to, being a seasonal town and parts somewhat rural you could rent a very nice older brick 32 ranch for $500 to $700 but now they are $1000 to $1200. What the hell. People are broke and those homes are just sitting or folks move in and spend every penny they got and get evicted in less than six mos.. It's so sad. It's sad everywhere.

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RE: more tales from the trailer park...or...damn it woman, my eggs was cold! - by melissab - 04-12-2011, 10:10 AM