04-16-2011, 10:10 AM
We have a lot of homeless here in S Florida. Some are just bugshit crazy, cracked out drunks. Some are tards of one stripe or another, some are just lazy fucks that find it preferable to stand on a corner with a sign. Sometimes I will give them a buck, depends on the look, yes I know thats completely subjective, but it IS a buck I worked for. Lots of them stay here in spite of what it costs to live here, presumably because of the weather. I have talked to several of them, bought a few meals, handed out blankets in the winter and even worked in the turkey day kitchens a couple of times. From that I can tell you that there are some in fact that prefer the street. I agree with LC, some of the truely sad ones are the kids, its sickening to be propositioned by a 14 year old in an alley, makes me seriously want to harm whoever is responsible for them beng out there and doing what they are doing.