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American on jetski shot in head by mexican pirates?
I haven't read this thread but wanted to post while this is fresh in my mind.

CNN has an hour special on this. I just watched it and I'm sure they'll repeat it. I never doubted her story and the show backs her up. A local Texas sheriff has inside contacts (Mexican side) who confirmed everything she said. They said that David's body was put into a barrel and burned. The jet ski was dismantled, some parts burned, other parts dumped in the lake. Because of the press and the attention on the cartels, the cartel murdered David's killers. The killers tried to kill Tiffany, too. The sheriff was told that they fired at her but her zig zagging on the jet ski made them miss her. An American farmer witnessed her being chased, exactly as she said, and also reported she was zig zagging. That farmer's identity has been kept secret because he fears for his life. A Mexican LE investigator who delved into the case had his head cut off when he named two brothers he said were involved. The American intelligence company, Stratfor, also supports her story. Surveillance photos taken that day show a boat, on the Mexican side, surrounded by men that match Tiffany's description. In the front end of the boat is large bail of weed. The Sheriff and border patrol believe there was a drug deal going down when David & Tiffany got in the middle and were mistaken as enemy cartel. Some people speculated that they weren't on jet skis or the lake but a Texas police cruiser pulled them over that day and there are dashcam photos of their vehicle and the jet skis. Tiffany refuses to believe that David's body was incinerated and that she'll never get his body back.

When asked why she thought this happened and why it remains unresolved, she said money. The CNN reporter asked, "Drug money?" and she just said "Money" and mentioned the economic ties between the US and Mexico. I completely agree with her. The whole North American Union/SPP thing, and NAFTA before that, is all about money and certain parties don't want that upset. As far as I'm concerned, that lake and a ten mile border around it should ALL be US territory by now. Because of money, instead we have Hillary Clinton and the sleaze in DC - the same sleaze that refuses to assist Arizona - making apologies for American gun rights, blaming us for Mexico's criminal culture and kissing Mexico's ass.

What bothers me about this is the people who have suspected her because she isn't a crier. CNN mentioned how so many people didn't like it that she was composed and not crying. Not everyone deals with trauma in the same way and lots of people don't cry, or cry privately.

Messages In This Thread
RE: American on jetski shot in head by mexican pirates? - by shitstorm - 04-16-2011, 09:36 PM