04-20-2011, 02:25 PM
British coward.
(And before quacker comes in like a bull in a china shop, she did say "The British are cowards", she didn't just say I was a coward, or that British people who aren't in the army are cowards, or British liberals are cowards. She said "the British are cowards" so by definition this woman is a coward according to quacker).
(And before quacker comes in like a bull in a china shop, she did say "The British are cowards", she didn't just say I was a coward, or that British people who aren't in the army are cowards, or British liberals are cowards. She said "the British are cowards" so by definition this woman is a coward according to quacker).
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.