04-24-2011, 07:26 PM
First the ADHD (A Dumbass Hillbilly Debutante) attention whore posts this:
Then . . . the cry baby ghetto hag changes her position and posts this:
But . . . she just can't "hep" herself (when the prospect of gettin' sum chocolate ain't lookin' purdy) and returns (again reversing her reversed position), sprinkling more pearls of insight:
I loves me sum retard hillbilly childish games . . . 'specially from a "thick and juicy" white-trash phony-tough.
Who could give a damn less.
(04-24-2011, 03:39 PM)JsMom Wrote: Fuck you, you goat mouth cum guzzlin whore. Im far from a stupid bitch! I will not back down fro any of you people. TRUST ME! I dont give up. Ima fighter. Ur probably Achmeds bitch anyways You'll never break me!
Then . . . the cry baby ghetto hag changes her position and posts this:
(04-24-2011, 04:06 PM)JsMom Wrote: I wont be commenting on anymore of you or anyone elses meaningless posts about me. I am an adult and I dont have time for the childish ass games you all play here! I AM BEAUTIFUL AND COULS CARE FUCKIN LESS WHAT U HAVE TO SAY! thats real! lol HOOK UP PLEAS!!! lol YAH RIGHT! GO FUCK URSELF u slimmy ass lickin heffer!
But . . . she just can't "hep" herself (when the prospect of gettin' sum chocolate ain't lookin' purdy) and returns (again reversing her reversed position), sprinkling more pearls of insight:
(04-24-2011, 06:42 PM)JsMom Wrote: I will defend myself when others TRY bashing me. Thats what I said! I am who I am and NONE of you know the real me so I could give a damn less!
I loves me sum retard hillbilly childish games . . . 'specially from a "thick and juicy" white-trash phony-tough.
Who could give a damn less.