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better than the twinkie defense--

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) -- A Palm Beach County man targeted in an alleged murder plot by his wife has returned to the stand, as the defense continues to try to destroy his credibility.

For the second day in a row, Thursday, defense attorney Michael Salnick attacked the credibility of Michael Dippolito on the witness stand. His wife, 28-year-old Dalia Dippolito, stands accused of arranging to have him killed to get his money and home.

In August of 2009, authorities released video of the wife arranging the hit on her husband with an undercover agent. Police later faked her husband's death and taped her tearful reaction, which investigators called acting.

The defense keeps trying to portray the husband as a liar who was in on a hoax in order for the couple to get a reality TV show. In court Thursday, Michael Dippolito showed some frustration, calling the defense attorney a "parrot."

When Salnick asked Dippolito what he meant by calling him that, Dippolito said, "'Did you do that on probation? Were you on Probation? Did you do that on probation? Were you on Probation?'" mocking Salnick's questioning. "You know what I'm talking about. I'm just having fun with you. I'm with you."

"You having fun with me?" Salnick replied. "Let me ask you something: Is this fun, Mr. Dippolito?"

"This sucks."

"OK, was it fun when you were arrested?"


"Was it fun when you went to court?"


"OK, so is there anything funny about this proceeding to you, Mr. Dippolito?"

"The questions you're asking me, some of them, yeah."

"You don't like them do you?"

"It's ridiculous. We're not here because of me."

The defense insists that both the husband and wife concocted the murder-for-hire plot to land a spot on a reality TV show. The husband was then supposed to announce "Don't worry, it was all a hoax," but he instead turned on his wife. However, the defendant never mentioned any of this when she was arrested two years ago.

In further testimony that afternoon, police officers took the stand. They told the jury before she was accused of trying to kill him, and after she had persuaded her husband to deed the home to her, Dalia Dippolito tried to pay police to have her husband arrested and sent to prison for violating his probation.

Taking the witness stand, Palm Beach Gardens Police Officer Robert Wilson said, "She offered to pay me for my services in conducting the investigation or in having him arrested ... Each time she would say that to me, I would explain to her that it was my job, that I would not take any money."

Other officers from different jurisdictions testified about anonymous tips claiming Dalia Dippolito's husband was a drug dealer. There were also direct tips from the wife about various allegations, none of which checked out.

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Messages In This Thread
better than the twinkie defense-- - by Lady Cop - 04-28-2011, 10:05 AM
RE: better than the twinkie defense-- - by Maggot - 04-28-2011, 10:11 AM
RE: better than the twinkie defense-- - by trixie - 04-28-2011, 10:17 AM
RE: better than the twinkie defense-- - by trixie - 04-28-2011, 10:51 AM
RE: better than the twinkie defense-- - by Lady Cop - 04-28-2011, 09:27 PM