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Taking or Giving Credit for the OBL killing
I decided to start a separate thread on this, as I have read a good article I would like to share. On Facebook there is a status thing going around that says the following:
Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!!
The article I am linking Is taking this to no where is the President taking his speech he GAVE credit to the soldiers who carried out the action. The article itself says it better than me so.....

Messages In This Thread
Taking or Giving Credit for the OBL killing - by QueenBee - 05-04-2011, 12:51 PM