05-09-2011, 07:40 PM
When I flew to Jamaica in Feb, I had no problem in the states but coming home was a whole different story. I was tagged in Line at the airport and drug into this room that locked behind me. The sign on the door said search room and I was shittin a brick, but no one saw that on my face. I think if you stay calm, cool and collected, it's no big deal. The woman just ran some wand over the strap of my purse and the palm of my hands. No big deal, but I was thinking id rather slit my own throat than go through a strip search. The thought of spreading my ass cheeks for a drug search is horrifying to me on all levels.
My ticket was tagged from there on. I had to have a mini pat down right at the doorway to the plane, and then another pat down in Orlando. Nobody made me feel uncomfortable or molested.
Still don't know why they tagged me though, other than my passport was only a few weeks old. I hadn't traveled out of the country since the last year you didn't need a passport, 06 I think.
My ticket was tagged from there on. I had to have a mini pat down right at the doorway to the plane, and then another pat down in Orlando. Nobody made me feel uncomfortable or molested.
Still don't know why they tagged me though, other than my passport was only a few weeks old. I hadn't traveled out of the country since the last year you didn't need a passport, 06 I think.