05-19-2011, 10:52 AM
SEE!? see what happens when you can't spell for shit!?

BLUE SPRINGS, Missouri - A man failed at spelling and robbing a bank Tuesday in Blue Springs.
Roy K. Miller, 32, no known address, was charged Wednesday in federal court with robbing Bank 21 at 3301 S.W. 7 Highway. A bank teller told an FBI agent she was working at her teller station in the lobby when Miller walked into the bank, according to an affidavit filed Wednesday.
Miller walked over, grabbed a deposit slip and wrote a short note. He walked to the teller and handed her the note, which read: "This is a stuck up, Give me the money I'm robed,'' according to the affidavit.
The teller gave Miller cash and asked if he wanted an envelope. Miller refused the envelope and apologized to the teller for the robbery.
Blue Springs officers spotted Miller running through a wooded area (while wearing a bright red shirt. duh.)

BLUE SPRINGS, Missouri - A man failed at spelling and robbing a bank Tuesday in Blue Springs.
Roy K. Miller, 32, no known address, was charged Wednesday in federal court with robbing Bank 21 at 3301 S.W. 7 Highway. A bank teller told an FBI agent she was working at her teller station in the lobby when Miller walked into the bank, according to an affidavit filed Wednesday.
Miller walked over, grabbed a deposit slip and wrote a short note. He walked to the teller and handed her the note, which read: "This is a stuck up, Give me the money I'm robed,'' according to the affidavit.
The teller gave Miller cash and asked if he wanted an envelope. Miller refused the envelope and apologized to the teller for the robbery.
Blue Springs officers spotted Miller running through a wooded area (while wearing a bright red shirt. duh.)