05-28-2011, 08:44 PM
A little background on Mason.
Quote:According to Hal Boedeker of Orlando Sentinel while talking about Casey, Cheney said, “I have a great belief personally in her innocence. I don’t care what the prognosticators and the idiot bloggers have to say or what the idiot bloggers will say about this.” source Cheney claims he doesn’t care but still reads the blogs and gets all bent out of shape. Appears Cheney is quite intimidated by bloggers.
Additionally, during his interview, Cheney Mason declared his fondness for Casey saying ”she’s a nice human being” . Hal Boedecker noted Cheney described Casey as “far more emotional” than people see, but that jail has “toughened her up” and that she is “very, very likable and very bright.”
Interestingly, according to Orange Co. Jail records obtained by The Caylee Daily, Cheney has only visited Casey once in jail on 7/24/2010. How would he know she is ’far more emotional’ than people see? I call Cheney’s bluff – he’s simply trying to sway potential jurors into thinking Casey is ”likable” and a nice person. It’s all just a stategy to win the case, just like the patting on her back & touching each other in court.