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Should citizens have to pay to educate illegals?

Goddammit California!!! I saw a tiny article about this in the paper today. I didn't even know they were voting on this subject. WTF!? We're broke, people! Our schools suck. 106

AB 131 makes it through the Assembly
Written by George Gale
Thursday, 02 June 2011 09:32

(Assembly bill would provide financial aid to undocumented students)….The Bill, AB 131, was passed by the Assembly Wednesday on a Bipartisan vote.

The Democrats favored the bill, while the Republicans said it would create an incentive for illegal immigration. The author of the bill, Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, a Los Angeles area Democrat, says his legislation would allow undocumented students become eligible for Cal-Grants, institutional aid and fee waivers at publicly funded colleges. Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar measure when he was in office.

Commando Cunt Queen

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RE: Should citizens have to pay to educate illegals? - by username - 06-02-2011, 02:12 PM