06-09-2011, 12:42 PM
(06-09-2011, 10:45 AM)crash Wrote: Even with the value of the American Peso at the moment, we are still paying ~$1.40 AUD or ~$5.20 a US gallon... I hear Rex Tillerson still has a direct line to Obama though. If you want to blame someone for the deaths of your kids, start in Austin, TX.
I still can't believe you all still swallow the diarrhoea like flow of propaganda about building a better world in the Middle East. The only people that want your troops their are the 10% of people that stand to gain from you protecting their oil interests. Then there's the 10% that fucking hate you and want you all dead and the other 80% are caught up in the middle losing their kids as well....
Open your fucking eyes..
Why can't it be both ways? Why does it have to be one way or the other? We can protect the our oil interests and at the same time try to help those people. The world isn't entirely black and white.
We are spending a ton of money on COIN OPS right now. WE, America, ARE building over there. Why isn't it going so smoothly? Because the Taliban is burning it down behind us. If you want to get a little closer to the truth, and give up some of your hardest-held beliefs, you would have to admit that the lowly people over there want a change. The regular people who work the fields and raise their families want the same things the rest of us do. They want peace and freedom and a decent life. But the Taliban and other extremist groups won't allow that. They kill more of their own people everyday than our troops.
It won't work, though, because it takes a revolution for a country to change. The people have to fight their own battles. The Taliban and al Qaeda and Mujahideen have been training and arming for years, so that doesn't give the regular people much of a chance.
I don't think of those entire countries as my enemy. They have a cancerous presence that is eating them up and has been for years. They are starting to tire of the cancer, too. It is time for them to stand up, but we can't trust them to arm them, so we continue to fight their battles. Just a fucked up situation with no clear solution.
But certainly not black and white.