06-09-2011, 11:19 PM
(06-09-2011, 09:22 PM)crash Wrote: In some ways we're arguing the same point. I don't know what it will take to change it, I don't think anyone does, but I know what's happening now is not working.
I'm not too big of a person to admit that I am jaded with big oil; It's been my life, I've seen it's filthy greed driven side from the inside. I'm sure that does blinker my view somewhat...similar to your 'vested interest' in the middle east conflict...
Fair enough you get tired of everyone 'hating on' America and all that it is, I get that. But I don't hate all America is and all Americans. I've met more than my share, lived and worked in your country and still hold some American friends closest to my heart...
What I do hate is the justifacation of a purpose with bullshit by your government... I wonder why the big A never stepped into assist with the mass genocide in Rwanda in the mid nineties? Not much oil in Rwanda I guess...
One thing I will give Americans, even when your government throws out a thinly veiled excuse for something else, as Americans you will openly form two camps and argue like crap about it, but as soon as an 'outsider' points a finger, you instantly unify against the new 'threat'
I think we come together as a people because we all know the sad truth: Our government doesn't represent us. It isn't "a government for the people and by the people" anymore.
Half of Americans are decent, hard-working people. Same with our military. The other half are pieces of shit that we are stuck with. How do you get rid of those kinds of people? We just feed them and keep them like pets and show them on the news. The rest of us shake our heads and keep on working and trying to raise our kids to be decent people.
I used to think education would change the world, crash. I really did. I bought into it for a very long time. Now I don't know what will change the world. I think maybe the truth. And some fucking long overdue tough love.