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Did the ancients know more than we do?
The []nw-boat is specifically the counterweight where Osiris the geyser turns into Seker the ballast. Isis oversaw the northern counterweight on all the great pyramids while some also had a western counterweight belonging to Serket and her corresponmding Goddess on the ascender on the east side; Neith. So the one marked grave in the workmen's cemetery oversaw the loading of the eastern ascender on G1. This would have been a relatively minor job which would explain why he's in the workers cemetery rather than the nobles'.

While the “[]nw-boat” referred to the counterweight in the pyramid building age it came to be something slightly different as time passed. It became not only an object of veneration paraded about at ceremonies but it became a composite of all the pyramid boats; it took on aspects of both the counterweight and the ascender. You can see these changes all through the culture and why they have been misunderstood. Just as the D[].t which meant live Gods below and standing above the plateau came to mean dead gods under the ground the []nw-boat became the “henu boat”. Here you can see the henu boat with all the characteristics of the counterweight and ascender as well as a few you probably wouldn’t think of;

It’s the second picture down.

Notice it even has a stone in it overseen by Horus. The animal in front is a bull since the contrapion is known as the “bull of heaven”. Opposite it is an oryx which can smell rain from a hundred miles away and go weeks without drinking water. It’s just the Egyptian way of saying “we don’t need no stinkin’ water”. It sits on runners because it is not intended to float on water but to go up and down the pyramid side. The djeds under it are what allow it to operate. The swallows in front represent stones since the stones are said to fly like the fledglings of swallows. I believe the elaborate fan shaped thing in front is their attempt to represent the side of the pyramid. Notice also the structural of the boat appears to be on the outside just as any boat made to contain water would have to be.

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RE: Did the ancients know more than we do? - by cladking - 06-29-2011, 12:28 AM