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Katherine Phillips--Amber Alert, 4 month infant, Michigan
cynical, overwrought cop-brain scenario that has crossed my mind...this is only my suspicious imagination at work.
what if...they both decided they could not afford another child. he did NOT want to pay child support, and in fact the DNA testing was supposed to be done that day to establish whether he is the baby daddy. we know he did not want another responsibility.
what is her history? why did she not have custody? why the secrets about her record?
did they together do something to that baby? hard to imagine they gave her to someone, if they did that person probably would have become scared by now and dropped the baby off at a hospital or other safe place.

is mommy complicit in this missing baby case?? i do question her act for a few reasons.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Katherine Phillips--Amber Alert, 4 month infant, Michigan - by Lady Cop - 07-05-2011, 10:16 AM