07-05-2011, 02:58 PM
(07-05-2011, 02:54 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: For over 30 days, she allegedly had no idea where her child was.
And mothers are prosecuted and found guilty of neglect for leaving their child, unattended, in a car for 10 minutes.
Child daycare facility owners must be giving each other 'high fives'.
Abusive mothers, too.
Exactly!! How is that not child abuse???? Or neglect? I am just sick over this. Casey is going to get exactly what is coming to her by someone down there. And she is going to wish she was spending the rest of her life in jail. There is no where she can go in this country where she won't be recognized and where everyone thinks she is guilty. No matter what the verdict was.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt