07-18-2011, 12:00 PM
Weeeeeeell........let's see: yes, I do suck cock, and rather well, I'm told. And I will confess that I may not be a constant daily poster at Mock. I tend to get all fired up and spend a sick amount to time posting on a board, and then take a break for a week or so in order to go to work or clean my house. So if that affects my full membership being granted, I get that. *braces for tasing*
As for smelling like old bullshit, I am sure it's not me. I showered a week ago Saturday. Well, I got rained on....same thing.
As for smelling like old bullshit, I am sure it's not me. I showered a week ago Saturday. Well, I got rained on....same thing.
panem et circenses