08-05-2011, 10:10 PM
(08-04-2011, 05:45 PM)Invicta Wrote: Oh, you are so sharp! Ah, how I wish I had the time to sit around eating cake, playing Nancy Drew from my living room. Btw, Sara Lee is beneath my taste and standards, fucktard. I eat organic, local, non-processed foods. I weigh 125lbs and would likely never give you a second glance as I saw you puttering from your mini-van to your neighborhood Wal-Mart. And with a name like "Cracker' who fancies himself a 'white devil', I can see intelligence is not your strong suit.
Honestly, I could care less about saving the people of this planet. Idiocy is pandemic and not likely to be cured by modern society. I just said I am usually the one to call 'bullshit' and I'd rather be the one hated for speaking the truth than be a fucking coward like the rest.
Why don't you go watch another waste-of-brain-space-and-good-film Stan Kubrick flick, 'Cracker'? I can tell his demented characters speak to you in a big way.
"I'd rather die pursuing the truth than let evil prevail out of fear."
You're a douche. You can't recover from that.
Solve any crimes on your organic fat ass today? Right any wrongs? Did justice prevail? (You forgot to mention you have a maid and drive an import and make three times what I make, even though you don't know what I make. If you are going to be Internet skinny, you might as well be Internet rich.)
I think you're black. Uppity, too.