08-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Lady Cop, and all
Thank you. You are correct, I am a refugee from another board. Knit and Pray you're not kidding GAH. I was not banned. I left. I broke free around 7 mos ago. Never went back, not going back. It's cool. No hard feelings on either side. Just had to get outta of there.
On the squirrels, chipmunks, no I didn't know you were a fan. Good to know. My property is like Squirrel Island. I cannot even count them in the early am. Swinging from branch to branch. I used to name them, but the older ones who lived here first, have either passed or moved out. I had one huge red squirrel that I named Sanford after Redd Foxx. He was slow and had a huge belly. He would come to the back door and I would feed him. He was a character. Have not seen him in over a year. :(
I have a chipmunk that lives under my porch. I should say a family, they all look alike right. There is one that has no fear. It leaves gifts for me next to my front door. Maybe it's paying rent. Every few months next to the planter on the ledge, always in the same spot, I find a 1⁄2 eaten something, as if it wants to share. I would say I am squirrel, chippy fan too. As long as they stay outside. That is another story for another day.
A chipmunk killer on the loose... oh no, can't have that.
Thinking of what you said about the " Sister" in the case of Mariha, you could be right. No one has said a peep of where she is. Nuthin.
She may have been the next victim of boyfriend * when he was running, he who likes to batter, beat, rape and play with gasoline, his reason, you talk too much. LE will never say nothing, unless they find her body. Then she will become a 10 second blurb on the Detroit news. It IS Detroit. Yes it is.
Thank you for the in, I look forward to posting here. I will raise my font
sorry Gimme, i had to change that font and color so people could see it. LC
Thank you. You are correct, I am a refugee from another board. Knit and Pray you're not kidding GAH. I was not banned. I left. I broke free around 7 mos ago. Never went back, not going back. It's cool. No hard feelings on either side. Just had to get outta of there.
On the squirrels, chipmunks, no I didn't know you were a fan. Good to know. My property is like Squirrel Island. I cannot even count them in the early am. Swinging from branch to branch. I used to name them, but the older ones who lived here first, have either passed or moved out. I had one huge red squirrel that I named Sanford after Redd Foxx. He was slow and had a huge belly. He would come to the back door and I would feed him. He was a character. Have not seen him in over a year. :(
I have a chipmunk that lives under my porch. I should say a family, they all look alike right. There is one that has no fear. It leaves gifts for me next to my front door. Maybe it's paying rent. Every few months next to the planter on the ledge, always in the same spot, I find a 1⁄2 eaten something, as if it wants to share. I would say I am squirrel, chippy fan too. As long as they stay outside. That is another story for another day.
A chipmunk killer on the loose... oh no, can't have that.
Thinking of what you said about the " Sister" in the case of Mariha, you could be right. No one has said a peep of where she is. Nuthin.
She may have been the next victim of boyfriend * when he was running, he who likes to batter, beat, rape and play with gasoline, his reason, you talk too much. LE will never say nothing, unless they find her body. Then she will become a 10 second blurb on the Detroit news. It IS Detroit. Yes it is.
Thank you for the in, I look forward to posting here. I will raise my font
sorry Gimme, i had to change that font and color so people could see it. LC