08-11-2011, 01:31 AM
Lmao.. seriously? I read "Body Farm" Have gone to the websites... have watched "faces of death", my dad is a cop who worked in manhattan, I grew up with lots of cops. My favorite stories are about the drug addicts who foam at the mouth for hours after they're already dead or one of my Dad's biggest cases where the guy cut off a woman's tits with a razor and kept one to sleep with. I've dealt with these stories around the thanksgiving table. not just read them in the news or saw them on websites. I'm a recovering Catholic who went to Catholic school so they've already TRIED to instill the fear of God in me. Grew up with bigots, racists, perverts, thieves and the 7 words George Carlin claims you can't say on TV.
NOT proud of being an Accountant but it puts dinner on the table.
NOT proud of being an Accountant but it puts dinner on the table.