08-12-2011, 07:02 PM
(08-12-2011, 06:49 PM)B.B. Khazad Wrote: That's great info, thanks for posting. One thing it doesn't confirm is whether the sister was home, and if not, when she returned: we've heard elsewhere she was at a sleep over. Another interesting detail would be knowing if Wendel went to bed at the same time as Louisa, was already 'asleep' in Louisa's room, came home later, or was sleeping in another bedroom.
It's also interesting to learn that Celina was on the 'family' computer in the living room, not Celina's computer (as had been reported) which we might have assumed was in her bedroom (or basement).
On another note, regarding the FBI asking townsfolk not to speak to the media: I posted earlier I heard that reported on an ABC news program, night of Aug 2nd I think.
Definitely would have been helpful to get confirmation as to whether Kayla was indeed out of the house on the night of the 25th and what Wendell was doing. The article doesn't mention Kayla at all and Wendell only appears in the story when Celina is discovered missing. I agree that there are still missing pieces in the story of Celina's last night.
Not only do I wonder whether Kayla was staying elsewhere that night, I wonder just who else might have been staying at the house or made an appearance that night. Any other Noyes family members stop by or crash? The story went from Louisa, Wendell, Celina and Kayla living in the house. It has since grown to include Louisa's sister (and possibly her boyfriend?), Kevin M, and now Wendell's mom (at least for that one night).
I can see why the family wanted to move out of that house. But, it seems weird to me that they would take part in the town's annual festival and parade in order to heal and celebrate Celina just one week after her body was discovered, only to turn around and high tail it out of town.
Things are brewing, I think...