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Daniel Morcombe (Altar boy) 13, murdered
I wonder how the police know he was guilty of interfering with a corpse? Doesn't this suggest that the police know where this child's body was or used to be?

I once thought all murder suspect should be forced to consume truth serum ( it's just a drug not physical torture). Then I read that when the FBI was experimenting with this years ago, that many criminals enjoyed it and asked for more.

What is an SES worker? A trained searcher? Do they let untrained people search in Australia?
Not letting untrained people search bothers me. What good will it do if the body is found 2 months later by a trained searcher, but most of the evidence has degraded or washed away by that time.

Australia is a tiny place. How are "impartial" jurors found in a big case?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Daniel Morcombe (Altar boy) 13, murdered - by HellNurse - 08-14-2011, 12:07 AM