08-21-2011, 03:24 PM
Family identifies headless remains found in suitcase
Pam’s mother, Cheryl Prpich, said she went to bed Aug. 12 while her daughter was in the living room talking with an old Wayne Memorial High School friend. She’d run into the man at a local technical college a few months ago, her mother said.
Pam Prpich had been taking electrical engineering classes there since she took a buyout from her job on the assembly line at Ford’s Wayne plant a couple years ago, Cheryl Prpich said.
“He just came to visit, and I had heard them talking and I went to sleep,” Cheryl Prpich said. “When I got up, she was gone.”
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Pam’s mother, Cheryl Prpich, said she went to bed Aug. 12 while her daughter was in the living room talking with an old Wayne Memorial High School friend. She’d run into the man at a local technical college a few months ago, her mother said.
Pam Prpich had been taking electrical engineering classes there since she took a buyout from her job on the assembly line at Ford’s Wayne plant a couple years ago, Cheryl Prpich said.
“He just came to visit, and I had heard them talking and I went to sleep,” Cheryl Prpich said. “When I got up, she was gone.”
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