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French Money Man tries to rape Hotel Sofitel maid.
He may be a slut, but I don't believe this woman at all. Being a slut does not make him a rapist and this bitch just makes it harder for true victims of rape, especially by powerful men, to be taken seriously. I think she stayed silent at first because she thought he'd pay her to avoid the public accusation, especially considering his apparent reputation as a horn dog. She knew exactly who this man was, imo. When he didn't pay, she took the con to the public. She should be prosecuted for filing a false police report, lying to law enforcement, and whatever else they can charge.

Now that her history of conning and false rape accusations has been revealed, she claims that the DA and LE are corrupt and a special prosecutor should be assigned. Bitch, please. Enough money has been wasted on this worthless specimen, in my opinion. This case should be dismissed.

Snipped from:

Prosecutors previously revealed problems with her credibility. Those included misstatements she made on an application for asylum in the U.S., a story about being the victim of a previous gang rape that she admitted having fabricated, inconsistencies about her actions on the day of the alleged attack in Mr. Strauss-Kahn's hotel suite and about other aspects of her life, law-enforcement officials have said.

One factor prosecutors initially said corroborated her story was her outcry soon after the incident to others at the hotel and her shaken demeanor. They later questioned the authenticity of Ms. Diallo's demeanor, after she related an account of the previous gang rape with such distress it brought a prosecutor to tears—and admitted she made the story up, people familiar with the matter have said.

Messages In This Thread
RE: French Money Man tries to rape Hotel Sofitel maid. - by HairOfTheDog - 08-22-2011, 03:55 PM