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Dog fighting for his life after owner amputates leg - to avoid vet fees
I am an animal person heart and soul. People who did this shit need to be given the same treatment as the dog. You'll prolly see quite a few post from me on animal issues. I've been involved with animal rights & rescue for a long time. This stuff really burns me up.

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Dog fighting for his life after owner amputates leg - to avoid vet fees

By Paul Thompson

Last updated at 2:19 AM on 5th September 2011

A couple have been charged with animal cruelty after carrying out a DIY amputation on their pet dog after he was hit by a car.

Alberto Castaneda, 51, and Maria Banuelos, 59, were busted after animal control officers found their one-year-old black lab mix in terrible condition.

The dog had part of his left hind leg cut off as Castaneda is believed to have tried to avoid having to pay expensive veterinarian fees.
Enlarge Horrible sight: Police found Onyx tied to a post after his owner allegedly tried to amputate the animal's leg without proper equipment or anaesthetics

Horrible sight: Police found Onyx tied to a post after his owner allegedly tried to amputate the animal's leg without proper equipment or anaesthetics

The dog had not been treated with any drugs and is not thought to have been given any anaesthetic during the cruel operation.

Vets were able to save the dog, who's named Onyx, but had to amputate most of his leg due to the earlier botched DIY operation.

Matthew Mass, the manager of Kern County Animal Control, said: 'No animal, no person, and no living creature deserves to be abused in the manner that this animal was abused.'

Officials said the animal had been hit by a car with such force that he suffered a double fracture of the pelvis and a dislocated hip.

His rear left leg was also badly damaged but he had not taken for any treatment by a veterinarian.
Tough recovery: Onyx had been hit by a car with such force that he suffered a double fracture of the pelvis and a dislocated hip

Tough recovery: Onyx had been hit by a car with such force that he suffered a double fracture of the pelvis and a dislocated hip

Castaneda allegedly carried out the operation himself in his Bakersfield, California, home

'This person did not have the proper equipment and drugs to treat this animal,' said Dr. Cynthia Martinez.

Onyx is now in stable, but critical condition at a local vet hospital.

Dr Martinez added: 'Just imagine a 70 pound dog getting hit with the force to be able to break both sides of his pelvis that's very painful and not getting the care, just horrendous to think about the pain.'

The Friends of the Kern Animal Shelters Foundation is raising money for the dog.

They hope to send the animal to Los Angeles for surgery, which will cost at least $8,000.

Messages In This Thread
Dog fighting for his life after owner amputates leg - to avoid vet fees - by Meow - 09-05-2011, 01:15 PM