09-20-2011, 11:32 PM
(09-20-2011, 06:50 PM)The Ghost of EH Wrote: Fuck your tax issues. Not my fucking problem.
By the way, I don't know why you blame this shit on the Mexicans. My neighbor is a Mexican, and he pays taxes and has a job. He appears not to be fucking as much as the segregating statistics suggest, so you are all fucknuts (see my application of Cracker's logic?).
I would avoid talking out of your ass, Dick. If you don't, I will be obligated to make fun of your pictures and the shithole you live in, and your whine will invade this forum for the next 6 months. You can have all the hard hats you want, but the title of bleeding cunt will follow you forever.
And yes, I am an illegal Alien. There you go. You got me busted. That's why I didn't wanted to report witnessing to police wrongdoing. I am an illegal Mexican living here with fake papers. Furthermore, I not only cost you a lot of money (over 2500 dollars with 10 different fake unemployment accounts) but also make money as a coyote with my Mexicompadres. I also have my own health insurance company for illegals (Mexicaid and Mexicare) which makes me a fucking fortune. Most of the money I make I use to hire white prostitutes from GA, and after fucking them senseless I defecate in their heads. I love humiliating them. The rest of my funds I use to live large and finance illegal gun trade, sponsoring official hits.
Carry on.
Suck my dick asswipe.
You and your little kid games grow the fuck up,grow some balls and pretend to have a brain.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
John Adams