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Mariha Smith, 5, Missing. Detroit. deceased.
Detroit PD released Darnell Cheatham from jail (for probation violation) yesterday. He is not charged in Mariha's death. No mention anywhere about his girlfriend, Mariha's aunt Quanita. No mention as to whether Darnell is the man caught on video buying gas in a beer can just before the fire. Doesn't really look like him, imo, but who knows with grainy video. The article states that a "person of interest" was released, so I guess Darnell is still considered a POI (it doesn't state whether anyone else connected to the case is or isn't).

This whole story about the house party, the intruder window entrance over the couch, mom passed out cold with multiple children in her care (including a 6 month old), Mariha's daddy being told he's her daddy the day before her funeral, Quanita disappearing... All of it is just nuts. What happened to this angel and why?

I hope Detroit PD is all over this investigation and has good leads. Such a horrendous death for such a beautiful little girl.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Mariha Smith, 5, Missing. Detroit. deceased. - by HairOfTheDog - 09-24-2011, 11:37 PM