10-29-2008, 07:22 PM
Zenith Wrote:The Antagonist Wrote:You got it!Zenith Wrote:Also, he is actually a BLACK MAN hiding his identity while online...hahahaha ::lmao:: isn't he CrAzY???<GASP> Do you mean to tell me he's Irish? You know I heard they're nothing but a nigger turned inside out.
Usually when someone demonstrates as much concern towards a controversial topic as this one, it is usually just a facade. He just may be the BIGGEST NIGGER on this forum....::dunno:: [he certainly has many of the characteristics]
Oh, this whole exchange is cracking me the fuck UP. I don't know which parts to vote for!!! (And I don't know how many votes I have left.) ::blink::
Z, have we got a case of "methinkshe doth protest too much"?? I'm leaning that direction myself. ::vio::