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Kerra M. Wilson, 8, Nebraska. murdered
In bold below are some details I missed while reading these articles the first time around.


"A Nebraska State Patrol investigator said in court documents that Lopez acknowledged killing his stepdaughter, and Sioux County Attorney Adam Edmund said the request that Lopez be denied bail was based on those statements and evidence gathered in the case.

Edmund also noted that children and witnesses still live in the Lopez household"


My comment:
There were witnesses?? Evidently not the other children, but who then? The mom? Grandma? Who else lives in that home?



"Wilson lived with her mother and stepfather in southern Sioux County and attended third grade at Mitchell Elementary School. She was reported missing at 3 p.m. Sept. 21 by her grandmother. According to an affidavit filed with the county court, school officials contacted Wilson’s mother, Amanda Lopez, to inquire about why she was not in class. The affidavit does not indicate what the mother’s response was when she was notified her daughter was not in school. It says only that she told officers she went to work around 11 a.m."


My comment:
So mom went to work about 11am that morning. I haven't read this anywhere else. Sure is starting to sound like Mom was right there when whatever happened to Kerra, happened. If that's true, it's weird then that she was able to go to work, as if nothing was wrong. Unless.. she was in cover-up mode.


I'm trying to find the article where I read that Kerra's mom and stepfreakfather met with the school principal at about 2pm that day, and police were called by grandma at about 3pm.

WHO does that? Who meets with the school an hour before calling 911? Especially considering that Kerra never actually made it to school that day. Was that call to 911 just an after thought, or something like... 'somebody has to call 911, you do it, no not me, you call em, no way not me, hey i know let's get grandma to call!'

Poor lil Kerra..


Messages In This Thread
RE: Kerra M. Wilson, 8, NEB. missing - by Cracker - 09-22-2011, 03:21 PM
RE: Kerra M. Wilson, 8, Nebraska. murdered - by Myst - 09-28-2011, 12:39 PM