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Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing
I am trying not to take it personally... people who haven't experienced Wild Wonderful WV and her people really believe that crap though. Annnnnnnyway.... looks like you guys are following the FB Lewis County Rumor Mill and the other two pages. If you need links, let me know. I follow them all day. I've considered going to Weston, but I have my daughter and she's underage. Did anyone else see the post by a lady who went to deliver some water, etc. and how she says she was treated by the four ladies "in charge" of the supplies??!! WOW!!! See what a little bit of power does to rude people!!! The lady is over it, just needed to vent but I'm sure this will deter other folks from stopping by. Until there's bigger stuff to talk about, sorry if I put up crap like this!!!

here goes:
by Miranda
I just wanted to share my experience about going to the search site for little Aliayah...
I haven't been able to get her off my mind and today I got off work early and decided that I was going to go up and help search for her. On the way out of work, I decided to go and get some water to take up to the volunteers.
Before I got to the search site, I heard that my step-sister and her husband had bee.n yelled out while going up there to take some donated items (over $100 worth of stuff) and that it had upset them so much that they were not going to come back and would not be donating any more items.... I took my water up and while I couldn't help search because the search party was not going out to late and I have to work tomorrow-everything was fine. As I was leaving I asked some women at the gate what else I could donate because I worked at Kroger and suddenly they were all screaming and bad mouthing Kroger and telling me not to mention Kroger because it was a bad word word. I stood there, stunned, because all I had done was asked "what else can I do?" and they continued that Kroger and Wal-Mart had not donated anything and nobody was happy with them and everyone was going to boycott them. I had talke to my dad today and he said that Kroger was donating over $100 worth of items to the search effort and I as going to talk to my boss tomorrow to see about donating more, so I asked them if they were sure and repeated what I had heard. They continued bad mouth Kroger and never did tell me what else I could bring. So, to make a long story short, I am NOT happy. I wanted to help this little girl and help the people who were putting in their time for this little girl and because of them-I don't know if I will ever set foot back up there. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth-you just take what is being offered. I guess they didn't realize I worked in management at Kroger and probably could have got a lot donated to them, but by bad mouthing my place of employment, I don't know if I want to go through with the effort. I know that they don't speak for the group, but they are the first and last people you see when you go up there (it's four females and I don't know all their names and I'm not putting them on here anyway) and I think they church and the police and the people setting up the search parties should look into getting more accomadating people to be their "spokesman". This whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth and all I wanted to do was help out the effort to find this beautiful baby girl. Thanks guys for making those efforts seem like nothing."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by HopeDiamond88 - 09-29-2011, 09:15 AM
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by detroithockeygirl - 10-04-2011, 09:01 PM
RE: Aliayah Lunsford, 3, West Va. missing - by SickOfTheChit - 11-09-2011, 09:49 PM